
Changzhou Yuping Chemical Co., Ltd.
Add:158 Xuecheng Road, Xueyan Town,
Wujin City, Jiangsu, China (213169)
Tel:+86-519-86160288, 86158021,
86158322, 86160118, 86160228

SDS high efficient desulfurization solvent series
SDS high efficient desulfurization solvent series and its application

  1. "SDS-Coking-1" high efficient desulfurization solvent
    It can be used in the desulfurization of coking dry gas and coking liquid gas. After desulfurization, the dry gas can be used as the material of Nitrogen gas production or chemical material, the liquid gas can be used us material or fuel
  2. "SDS-Rfcc-1" high efficient desulfurization solvent
    It can be used in desulfurization of dry gas or liquid gas of catalytic cracking system, the dry gas can be used us material or fuel, the liquid gas can be used as chemical material
  3. "SDS-Sel-1" high effciency selective gas desulfurizer
    used as the selective removing of H2S in natural gas, refinery gas and synthetic gas, the clean gas can be used as material and fuel.


  1. SDS high efficient desulfurization solvent series are made form N-methyldiethanolamine , activators, flux and additives. It can remove the total sulfur(H2S+organic sulfur). It has special pertinency, one type product can be used in one type of psecial contents of gas, therfore, it has all kinds of formulations.
    The common property of solvent: high sulfur capacity, it can remove most of H2S, at the same time, it also can remove the organic sulfur. It can offer good stbility in heat and water,. It is hard to be decomposed, the reaction heat is not so large. It has large water solubility, low corrosion, weak alkalinity. In normal condition, it can be used in the carbon steel. It is non-toxic and odorless solvent
  2. .Desulfurization method is determined by 3 factors: good desulfurizer, good production method and equipment, optimized operational parameters; There 3 factors get co-development and control themselves each other. Working with good production method and equipment, optimized operational parameters, SDS solvent will offer best performance to you.
  3. Properties
    (1) "SDS-Coking-1"high efficient desulfurization solvent (form-1);
    (2) "SDS-Rfcc-1" high efficient desulfurization solvent (form-2);
    (3) "SDS-Sel-1" high effciency selective gas desulfurizer (form-3);

Remark: The property form with SDS series is the last properties of this formulation, accodring to your demand and practical condtion, the fomulation will be adjusted to meet your demand.

Technical supports

  • You can enjoy excellent service form pre-sales, sales to after-sales.
  • pre-sales service-- provide technical consulting service, evaluating the presenting equipment for you, calculating the bottleneck equipment, providing relative technical plan
  • Sales service-- providing the operational parameters for initial operation and normal production, helping you to start-sales this equipment form marking, evaluation to conclusion.
  • Afterservice--according to your practical condition, if you eant to expanding your output, with your developing plan, we will provide technial plan for you.

Product providing

Quality, customer and honest business are number one priority to us. We welcome your business
